The Rants, Raves And Ramblings Of A Complete Jackass

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Crab Love

Oh....Strawberry Crab....
Never have I been so amused by a Crustacean. Every time I hear your name I can't help but break into a fit of joyous giggles. You make me incredibly happy...even though your brethren scare the shit out of my friend make me smile like a young girl on Christmas morning.
How could we have not known you existed?! With all of this figure that someone would have noticed you by now. With your shell...and your legs....and the fact that in some world, you prolly do kind of look like a strawberry......... kind of....
Your so awesome I can barely stand it.

I could never eat you, Strawberry Crab.
I just want you to know that.
And if I ever get crabs...I hope they are of your variety.

I love you.

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