The Rants, Raves And Ramblings Of A Complete Jackass

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Well P-Diddy Puff face...just when I thought your dumb ass couldn't get any go and do this. Shenanigans I say! Your child is 16 years old...why in gods name do you buy him a $360,000 automobile?
I understand that you are a wealthy man, and it makes sense that the children of wealthy men might have nicer things than the rest of us did when we were growing up.....
But seriously, P-fluff....a Maybach? It's a bit extreme. The kid doesn't even have a license yet. Maybe you could have chosen something a bit more conventional. An Escalade, perhaps? Baller Baller? Throw some rims on that bitch and call it good, daddy.
A Maybach is a fine automobile. I don't know that a 16 year old could *truly* appreciate a car like this.

  If everything that is handed to you is something will never really grasp the true value of what things are worth. And one day, that shit will come back on ya.

Anyway. Wanna see what my cars were? I don't have pictures of all the *exact* cars...except for the one I have now. But the makes and models are all the same. Enjoi!

My first car was a 1987 Ford Taurus. Nice on the outside...Nice on the inside...under the hood it was a hot flippen mess. With this car, when it rained it poured. First it was the water pump. Then the oil pump. Then the heater core went out...and I drove around in the winter with my windows rolled the damned thing wouldn't fog up. It was dumb.

My second auto. A 1973 Chevy Cheyenne. However...mine was a farm truck. I bought that sucker for $700 bucks...and I mobbed around in it for 4 years.There wasn't a panel on the thing that wasn't dented or marred. A five gallon bucket of paint was dropped on had been hit by a deer...hit by a tractor...the beast was ugly. But she was my redneck battle truck. She had a 350....and she liked to go on pavement...dirt...mud...
Out of all of my old automobiles...I miss this one the most.

Number 3...a 1973 Coupe De Ville. I called it my CoupeD'Evil. It was a nice car. It was massive. It would glide down the freeway at 100 mph and you thought you were doing 60.
It also cost me 65 bucks to fill the thing. And that was when gas was 1.80. Needless to say I had to sell it. I miss it almost as much as I miss the truck. Almost.

1995 Ford Windstar.
This thing sucked mighty ass. Thats all I have to say about that.

2003 Ford Taurus.
It wasn't nearly as bad as the first. But once shit started going bad...I GTFO.

And this is what I drive now. 2005 Chrysler 300 Limited. I love this car. Love it. Everytime I get behind the wheel I love it more than the first time I drove it. The top pic is before the rims...the bottom was right after I put the rims on. This is my *cruising* mobile. I *heart* it. A lot.

What have you owned, car wise?

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