The Rants, Raves And Ramblings Of A Complete Jackass

Thursday, January 21, 2010

So...some people know, some people don't, but I have a serious phobia of all things huge and industrial looking. Oil refineries, nuclear power plants, smokestacks, large tubes/piping, tanks, giant watertowers. Basically giant metal/concrete stuff. I don't know why. I get very panicky when  I see such heart races, tears start welling up in my eyes...I start feeling dizzy and sick. Straight panic attacks will follow if I can't get away from them quickly. I realize on some level it is unnatural fear...but that doesn't stop me from tripping out.
So I went to IKEA today. Dorking around...looking at crap...and for some reason...I decided to look up. The photo above shows what was rotating above my head. It's a *massive* ceiling fan.
I pooped a little.

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